Friday, 30 November 2007

The Secret of Psalm 46 - an online gem

Every now and again, you stumble across something that really captures your attention online - this happened to me yesterday while I was doing some research into Psalm 46 for a lecture I was to give - the blog posting I found had very little to do with it; however as a piece of delightfully engaging, entertaining prose it had me hooked. I heartily recommend it to one and all, so click here and read on: The Secret of Psalm 46 by Prof Brian Moriarty (Yes he really is Professor Moriarty Mr Holmes!!

Thursday, 29 November 2007

True Lies

So now it's official, thanks to the UK justice system - telling lies to a computer is still lying.

From The Register:

What did surprise me from the ruling however- was that the Judge decided that even though Renault had been defrauded of money by the defendants claiming discounts they were not entitled to (the lying to the computer bit) - he said they could not have that back as damages as they did make some profit from each transaction anyway.

Sounds like stealing a little is ok, as long as you dont steal a lot... that dunt sound right 2 me.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Stunning Silence of Diet

It's been a bit quiet on the blog front for a few months- I've been busy writting a book or two! The Geek Diet should be off the the publisher within the next few days and out in time for Christmas 2007. It will be available to buy from and all good book stores in time for Christmas!